Pile installation | MintMech Specialist Engineers

Portland Pile Gates

Bespoke design of two pile gates and jack up barge interfacing cantilevers for a new deep-water berth in Portland Harbour.

Portland Port Deep Water Berth | Red7Marine | MintMech

Portland Harbour

Bespoke Pile Gates

Supporting Red7Marine, we designed two bespoke pile gates and JUB interfacing cantilevers for the construction of a new deep-water berth, operational in April 2023, at Portland Harbour. Reshaping the harbour, the development provides a new berth with a deeper and extended berthing pocket and approach channel to allow larger vessels to use the port.

Red7Marine required a multi-function pile gate design to aid the installation of a 400m king and sheet pile combi-wall structure. Two bespoke piling gates incorporating a number of novel features were designed by our engineers to minimise crane lifts and maximise safety and productivity to install multiple piles within tolerance.

Pile Gate Installation | MintMech | Red7Marine

Design included:

  • A twin-level structure to restrain the pile at two separate levels
  • A means of mechanically adjusting the top of king pile plan position and adjusting about the vertical z-axis of the pile gate
  • A common design gate to mechanically and structurally interface with JUBs
  • Separate cantilever shelf supports
  • A dummy pile stub to mimic the reference pile
  • The capacity to install three further king piles without moving either the gate or the JUB location
  • A means within the gate assembly to relatively orientate clutches
  • The capacity to allow a hydraulic hammer to pass clearly down through the gate
  • Operator interface controls
  • Manufacturing and fabrication support
  • Transport and logistics support

Engineering Excellence

At MintMech, we deliver black and white solutions to complex engineering requirements and pride ourselves on delivering the highest quality design, build and commission packages.